A few weeks ago I visited m Aunt Ruth (my grandfather's sister) to show her things that I've found. Since my Aunt is into this genealogy stuff more then my grandfather and since she lives closer then him, I fugured I talk to her. So I showed her what I found on Alice (Dyson) Hall (my ggg aunt). Suprisingly she knewe about her family, Which I didn't know until one day when I came across my cousin's tree. So then I showed a marriage record between her father, Albert Dyson, and his first wife Janie (Elder) Smith. Told her I couldn't find a marriage record between her father and her mother, Clara (Palm) Dyson. Which she was suprised to know.
Anyway, here are my 3 things that I learned:
1. Clara Palm's mother, Betty, was her stepmother.
2. Janie Elder was widowed and had a son with her first husband.
3. After visiting my Aunt Ruth, I decided to search for Clara Palm's biological mother. I found Clara's mother to be Emma Wictor. (Now I just need to either visit or write my aunt and tell her that).
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